Decision Session: Executive Member for Transport 19 April 2021


Report to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place Directorate


Consideration of representations received to the advertised R70 Residents Priority Parking Scheme for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove, Fishergate.













To consider the formal representations received to the legal Traffic Regulation Order, advertised on the 14 January 2022, to implement a new residents priority parking scheme to include Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove, and determine what action is appropriate.




It is recommended that, at the current time, approval be given to implement a section of the advertised R70 scheme for Kilburn Road only. This section would be implemented as advertised which would be operational under entry zone signs enforceable 24hours a day 7 days a week. Details outlined in Option One with a plan provided as Annex A.


Due to representations made it is also proposed to delay the implementation of residents parking restrictions on Alma Grove and Alma Terrace to enable a further legal advertisement for Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace to be included within the R70 residents parking area. This will enable the residents located immediate adjacently to the proposed area to provide their views on the amended advertised scheme which currently includes Alma Terrace and Alma Grove only. If the revised scheme in this area is granted permission to progress to implementation the remaining advertised area would then be initiated and progressed at the same time. Remaining advertised area (Alma Terrace and Alma Grove) and the proposed extended area to be advertised is shown in Annex A1.


Reason: To provide the improved parking provision for residents of Kilburn Road, in line with the majority preferences received within the consultation and limited objections submitted to the advertised proposals from the nearby area.


Placing the implementation of Alma Terrace and Alma Grove restrictions on hold also takes account of the representations received from the wider area and enables affected residents to make further representation on an amended proposed scheme, which would include the whole cluster of streets mentioned above, providing a greater flexibility on available parking amenities should the scheme progress for all streets. Any objections received to the amended proposal will be considered at a further decision session. However it is proposed that Alma Terrace and Alma Grove would still progress to implementation after this stage even if the scheme is not progressed to include the extended area.    








We originally received two separate petitions from residents of Alma Grove/Alma Terrace (part) and Kilburn Road only requesting that consideration is given to introduce a Resident Priority Parking scheme. 
























Once the locations reached the top of the waiting list we consulted on a larger area, as agreed at the original petition decision session, during this time we posted consultation documentation to all properties within the proposed extended area requesting that residents return their questionnaires and preferences.


The results of the consultation were considered at a Decision Session on 21st September 2021. During this it was resolved to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce Residents Priority Parking for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove only. It was also requested that a new scheme should be considered to include the permitted streets to be advertised as a new separate residents parking area, to be known as R70 shown in Annex B This was instead of the original larger consulted area which was an extension of R20 shown within Annex C. 


An amendment to the legal Traffic Regulation Order to implement the Residents Priority parking scheme, to be known as R70, was advertised on 14th January 2022. An extract of the formal advertised proposal is included as Annex D. Both areas were advertised as entry sign style schemes meaning minimal signs and lines are required. The operational hours would be 24hours a day 7 days a week.



Legal advertisement













The proposals for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove were advertised in the usual manner of notices placed on street, in the local press, to the statutory consultees and delivered to the adjacent properties, this exceeds the legal minimum requirement. In addition to this each property within the original consultation area (outlined in Annex C) were posted an update letter to advice of the formal advertisement and directed how to make representation on the advertised proposal.

During the advertisement period we received no communication from any residents located to the north of Kilburn Road. This included Farndale Street, Levisham Street, and Hartoft Street area. As such, as the approved recommendation, and the updated information provided to residents, was to take no further action and not to advertise any restrictions for this section of streets, it would be representative to acknowledge that residents agreed with the recommendation and did not want CYC to take any further action relating to the implementation of residents priority parking within their area.





















Kilburn Road - the advertised proposals received two official representations in support with no objections from residents fronting the restrictions being submitted. One representation was received from a resident of Edgeware Road requesting that their properties should be permitted to purchase permits for the R70 (Kilburn Road) area due to the increase on parking pressures which may occur on Edgeware Road if the scheme was implemented. However as Edgeware Road properties are not included within the advertised scheme boundary they would not be permitted to buy any permits to park in the R70 zone. Edgeware Road is a private street and the majority of residents did not want resident’s priority parking restrictions to be implemented. As such all residents and their visitors would be required to find suitable parking upon Edgeware Road when required. Representations from Kilburn Road and Edgeware Road are included within Annex E.


Alma Terrace/Alma Grove – during the advertisement period we received 29 separate representations from residents in support for the introduction of the advertised resident’s priority parking scheme for their street.


Two objections were received relating to the costs of permits and one representation concerning the new online process, which is now in place for purchasing and assigning visitor permits. Information relating to the process for purchasing permitted permits will be provided to all residents should a scheme progress to implementation. Representations are included within Annexes F & G.



South of Alma Terrace – during the Executive Decision Session, along with advertising restrictions for Kilburn Road it was also established to advertise a proposal to implement residents parking to include Alma Grove and Alma Terrace only, from which several representations have been received from the streets located to the south of the advertised Alma Terrace area. The majority of concerns relate to the adverse effect that will be created on the surrounding streets if the proposals are implemented, as any over spill parking will take place within their area and if no spaces are available residents will then have no nearby options for available parking amenities as the majority of nearby streets will then also be restricted parking.


A large proportion of responses also believe that a further consultation should take place before any restrictions are implemented. This is due to residents originally being consulted on one large area and they did not expect that some adjoining streets would be recommended for residents parking to be implemented and others would not. Several residents suggest that it should be all or nothing when implementing restrictions within this area which includes Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Carey Street, Holly Terrace and Wenlock Terrace. All representations received from this area of streets are included within Annexes H to L.





Options for consideration:

Option 1 (Recommended Option)


a)   Implement R70 Residents’ Priority Parking scheme on Kilburn Road only, for the present time, to operate 24hours Monday to Sunday. Entry signs will be placed at the entrances and exits to the restricted area to inform drivers of the scheme boundary. Further ad hoc repeater signs will also be erected on existing street furniture where appropriate.

b)   The advertised residents parking proposals for Alma Terrace and Alma Grove to be placed on hold, with a view to implementing at a later date as part of R70, with a further proposal to be advertised which will include the extended area of Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Carey Street, Holly Terrace and Wenlock Terrace. This would also include some limited waiting parking bays on Carey Street to accommodate local businesses which can then also be utilised by visitors and trades without the need for a permit during the permitted hours and time limits, details shown within Annex A2.

c)   Should the extended advertised proposal receive extensive objections and the scheme does not progress to implementation then the previously approved Alma Terrace and Alma Grove residents parking scheme will be implemented on street without further consultation, residents would be notified of the implementation date and how to obtain permits. Any objections received to the extended advertised Residents Parking area will be bought back to a further decision session for consideration along with any further representation received during the advertisement period.  



Option 2:

Implement the whole of the previously advertised R70 residents parking area for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove at the same time and consult additional residents in the future.  

This is not the recommended option as it does not address the high volume of concerns raised by the nearby residents who would be disadvantaged by part of the scheme, as they would not be within any scheme boundary and unable to utilise the existing on street parking availability.

Any over spill parking by residents within the existing proposed boundary could take place in the remaining area reducing those resident’s ability to utilise existing on street parking, as they would then lose the ability to park their vehicle on Alma Terrace or Alma Grove if this was required, consequently meaning they have no alternative close parking options due to surrounding areas already being part of residents parking schemes.

Should the scheme be approved to extend the R70 residents parking scheme to include the wider area at a later date then all required signage implemented for Alma Terrace and Alma Grove would then need to be removed and reinstated where required at all revised entrances and exits. Leading to an increase in costs and works taking place within the highway.  






Option 3

Re-consult with the whole area, including Kilburn Road, on the amended proposal for all streets to be included within the R70 residents parking scheme to determine the views of all affected residents before any new proposals are then advertised. This is not the recommended option as this will delay the implementation of any restrictions for the area and does not represent some residents views who are already largely in favour of restrictions.











Option 4:


No further action to be taken.

This is not the recommended option because it is not in line with the council’s objectives as stated in the Local Transport Plan and does not respond to the clearly expressed preference of some residents who have stated the need for resident parking restrictions in their area.






Council Plan




This report is supportive of the following priorities in the Council plan in addition to the One Planet York principles, that the Council champions:

 A focus on frontline services; and

 A Council that listens to residents.







This report has the following implications:


Financial The £5k allocated within the core transport budget will be used to progress the proposed residents parking scheme. The ongoing enforcement and administrative management of the additional residents parking provision will need to be resourced from the income generated by the new measures


Human Resources If implemented, enforcement will fall to the Civil Enforcement Officers necessitating an extra area onto their work load.

New zones/areas also impact on the Business Support Administrative services as well as Parking Services.  Provision will need to be made from the income generated from new schemes to increase resources in these areas as well as within the Civil Enforcement Team.


Equalities The impact of the proposals on protected characteristics has been considered as follows:

·        Age – Positive impact for residents who should be able to park closer to their dwelling but potential negative impact for other car users who will not be able to park on these streets any longer without a permit;

·        Disability – Neutral as Blue Badge holders who live locally can apply to have a bay provided outside their homes if required and Blue Badge holders can park in Residents’ Parking areas foc;

·        Gender – Neutral;

·        Gender reassignment – Neutral;

·        Marriage and civil partnership– Neutral;

·        Pregnancy and maternity - Positive impact for residents who should be able to park closer to their dwelling but potential negative impact for other car users who will not be able to park on these streets any longer without a permit;

·        Race – Neutral;

·        Religion and belief – Neutral;

·        Sexual orientation – Neutral;

·        Other socio-economic groups including :

o   Carer - Neutral (see Disability);

o   Low income groups – Negative as low income residents who use on street parking will need to pay for a parking permit. The charge is the same for all residents in the zones regardless of their circumstances;

o   Veterans, Armed Forces Community– Neutral.


Access to the new online parking permit system - A plan is being developed for the wider Residents’ Parking Service to help those that either don’t have access to the internet or the skills to use the online system to access the parking system as they do with other similar ICT access requirements


Legal The proposals require amendments to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order 2014:

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996 apply


Crime and Disorder – no Crime and Disorder implications identified


Information Technology – any new residents’ parking scheme will need to be included in the new online parking permit system so additional IT resources may be required to set up the proposed scheme and proposed extended scheme boundary


Property – no Property implications identified


Other –no other implications identified


Risk Management – In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy there is an acceptable level of risk associated with the recommended option.












Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Annemarie Howarth

Traffic Project Officer


Tel: (01904) 551337

James Gilchrist

Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and Environment



22 March 2022


Specialist Implication Officers


Finance – Patrick Looker (Service Finance Manager)

Legal – Cathryn Moore (Legal Manager, Projects)




Wards Affected: Fishergate




For further information please contact the author of the report.




Annex A: R70 Kilburn Road area recommended to be implemented

Annex A1: R70 extended area to be advertised

Annex A2: Proposed limited waiting parking bays on Carey Street

Annex B: Currently advertised R70 ResPark area

Annex C: Originally consulted area

Annex D: Advertised legal notice 

Annex E: Kilburn and Edgeware Road comments

Annex F: Alma Terrace and Alma Grove support comments

Annex G: Alma Terrace and Alma Grove objections

Annex H: Frances Street objections

Annex I: Ambrose Street objections

Annex J:Carey Street objections

Annex K: Holly Terrace objections

Annex L: Wenlock Terrace objections